In today's world of endless digital entertainment, boredom is becoming increasingly rare. However, experts believe this lack of boredom may actually be a problem.
Although the constant flow of content keeps us busy, it hinders genuine mental rest and introspection.
Avoiding boredom leads to a constant sense of being busy and distracted.
Boredom, as defined by philosophy professor Lars Svendsen, "is a feeling of discomfort that signals that our need for personal meaning is not being satisfied."
Boredom is often seen in a negative light, but it can actually encourage creativity and self-reflection.
To handle boredom better, experts suggest staying calm, identifying the cause, and reframing boredom as an opportunity rather than a frustration.
Engaging in a "digital detox" by reducing screen time may also help individuals reach this deeper state of boredom, encouraging undistracted thinking and personal development.
Tips And Tricks
Is Boredom Beneficial? Here's Why It Might Be Good For You