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In recent years, wildfires have caused widespread devastation across the globe, displacing thousands of people and claiming countless lives. Scientific research shows that exposure to wildfire smoke can have lasting effects on the brain, which may persist for weeks. A study of over 10,000 US adults found that wildfire smoke impaired cognition for up to a day, with denser smoke and western US fires causing more harm due to higher toxic emissions.  An Australian study found bushfire smoke particles cause oxidative stress, leading to brain inflammation, cognitive decline, memory loss, and higher risks of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.  It is clear that exposure to extreme heat and wildfire smoke has negative effects on the brain, but what can we do to fight against it? He recommends using an air purifier at home, keeping windows closed, staying indoors during wildfire smoke, and, if outside, avoiding strenuous activity and wearing an N95 mask.
Tips And Tricks
Can Wildfire Smoke Damage Your Brain? What You Need To Know