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Temperatures in Yakutsk, the Siberian city known as the coldest on earth, can often plunge to minus 50°C. January is its coldest month, and residents are taking extra precautions to keep warm. Located 5,000 km east of Moscow, residents of the mining city often see the thermometer regularly drop well below minus 40°C. "You can't fight it. You either adjust and dress accordingly or you suffer," Anastasia Gruzdeva. People go out in the street wearing two scarves, two pairs of gloves and multiple hats and hoods. Another resident, Nurgusun Starostina, says there were no special secrets to deal with the cold. She sells frozen fish at a market without the need for a fridge or freezer. "Just dress warmly," she said. "In layers, like a cabbage!"
Tips And Tricks
Surviving The World's Coldest City: What You Need to Know