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Staying hydrated is essential for good health; however, not everyone is a fan of just drinking water all day. If you're someone who craves a kick or sweetness in your drink, here are five healthy alternatives to water. While the smoothies available in stores can be high in calories and sugar, homemade smoothies are often packed with nutrients that will keep you healthy. Coffee is known for boosting energy, and research indicates that three cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Kombucha has become popular in recent years. The unique fermented tea promotes gut health and contains all of the benefits of fermented foods. While fruit juices can be high in sugar, the likes of tart cherry juice and mango juice are high in nutrients and antioxidants. In moderation, coconut water is highly beneficial, as it's rich in nutrients and can boost your antioxidant intake.
Tips And Tricks
Quench Your Thirst With These Healthy Alternatives To Water