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When you're going through a period of constantly feeling down, it can be difficult to pinpoint why you're feeling this way. One of the first things you should analyze is your habits and whether they're helpful or not, so here are five toxic habits that are keeping you down.  Scrolling on your phone before bed will most likely overstimulate your mind, which will curtail your efforts to get a good night's sleep and hence affect your mood.  Arguably the worst thing for your mental health is neglecting physical activity, as regular exercise will help release tension and improve your mood.  During bad times, we often try to buy material items to help us feel better; however, this can lead to financial stress and clutter. Saying ‘yes' too often or being unable to set boundaries are things we're all guilty of; however, if you don't cut that habit out, it can lead to burnout and damage your mental health.  Lastly, neglecting self-care will make you unable to care for others, so make sure to take time out to look after your physical and mental well-being.
Tips And Tricks
Toxic Habits That Are Making You Depressed